About Me

Veteran Developer & IT Professional.

Military Service

Having served in the military, I've gained invaluable experience and skills that have shaped my character and work ethic. The discipline, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities I honed during my service continue to influence my approach to various aspects of life and work.


I graduated from Colorado Technical University with a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology in 2022. Currently, I'm pursuing my Master's degree in Information Technology to further expand my knowledge and expertise in the IT domain.

IT Professional

Combining my military background with my academic achievements, I've embarked on a fulfilling journey in the world of Information Technology. With a focus on networking, I've had the opportunity to work on diverse projects and collaborate with talented individuals across different spaces.

Writing on Dev.to

In addition to my IT career, I enjoy sharing my knowledge and insights through writing. You can often find me on Dev.to, where I contribute articles on various Java frameworks and tech topics. Writing allows me to connect with a wider audience and contribute to the vibrant developer community.

What You'll Find Here

On this website, you'll discover a blend of my professional experiences, tech-related articles, and perhaps even some personal reflections. Whether you're here to learn something new, gain insights into the tech industry, or simply explore different perspectives, I hope you find value in what I have to offer.


This entire stack is built with JSX and Next.js using the App Router. Several APIs are integrated, including Github, Dev.to, and Youtube. The guestbook is authenticated using Google Firebase. The website is styled with Tailwind CSS and deployed via Vercel, with DNS managed through Cloudflare. Next.js enables the creation of full-stack web applications with speed and accuracy.

Thank you for visiting, and I hope you enjoy your time here. Feel free to leave a comment in the guestbook!

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